Wednesday 10 February 2010

Sugar Magazine Contents Page Analysis

- Sugar is a typical teenage girl magazine focusing mainly on boys, body image, celebrity's, real life stories and advise for growing up.
- The contents page has the date on it as well as on the front cover for this magazine.
- A mid-shot image of the same person from the front cover is featured mainly on the contents page. I will use this too because it shows that the cover girl is versatile and helps show the theme of the magazine.
- This magazine also has a letter from the editor describing how their month has been and what they have in store for the reader.
- Main colours used here are pink, black and white. It uses neutral colours (black and white) and also the cliche pink that most teenage girls are attracted to.
- I like how this contents page has a 'Sugar by numbers' where they have fun facts about how many times they have done something whilst making the magazine. It shows that this magazine is young, fun and the people making the magazine enjoy making it for the readers.
- Other images are from girls that aren't celebrities so readers can relate to the magazine. They are only small images so facial expressions are very important. These girls are very natural looking and not caked in make up so makes the readers feel more comfortable with themselves knowing people like them can model in Sugar.
- The titles of the pages aren't very strict, laid back words are used. Teen language is used so that they feel Sugar can relate to them and knows what they want in a teen magazine.
- On this contents page, the numbers of the pages are made very clear like the other contents page. This seems to have a good effect so I will use this effect on my contents page.

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