Wednesday 24 February 2010

Photo Ideas for Cover Page

For my front cover I want to use a female around 14-17 years old. This is a pop magazine so I want them to be clean cut showing innocence. It will be a mid shot of the girl smiling doing a fun pose; I will take lots of different images so I can see what works best. They will wear a pink puffy dress to show feminism, innocent and fun. Lots of jewellery with the dress to show that she likes fashion and that she is famous because she can afford all the jewellery.
Because it is a Valentines Day special, the model will be throwing lots of heart shaped pieces of paper around. Or have some sort of heart showing that they support the holiday event.
There won't be a mise en scene because i will be taking the background out, so the characteristics and costumes of the model really have to make a statement.
The famous females around the sides of the cover page will be smiling and the males will be smiling or making a funny face.

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