Wednesday 24 February 2010

Photo Ideas for Double Page Spread (Interview)

Most of the pop magazines have a posed image of the star and then unposed images around the page. I would like to use this too as I think it's very attractive to the age my magazine is aimed at. I would like it to be the same girl that I used on the front cover, she will be having a heart shaped chocolate box, if I can't find one I will still use heart objects around her emphasising the reason for the magazine special. She will be smiling showing innocence and have glitter so being girly.
The unposed images of her on the side of the other page will be from a selection of these ideas:
- A book signing
- At an awards ceromony either watching in the audience or recieving an award
- Getting hair and make up done
- Her with other celebrities
- Running a marathon
- Helping a charity
- Paparazzi following her
- Being a judge on a television show
- A screenshot from a television programme that she is in
They all have to be in different outfits. The costume in thesedifferent images should be pastel colours to show purity. Maybe some images will have bold outfits showing edge or class depending on the situation.

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