Thursday 1 April 2010

Final Pages

These are my final pages...

Front Page

I think this shows the ideology that a normal 9-14year old girl magazine holds. It is colourful with clashing colours that I found from research work best. Also I found using a close up shot gave the maximum effect and attracts my audience in a better way. My front page consists of mainly head shots however there is a mid shot of a guitarist. It would be a full length is it was in front of the main image. Everybody of my front cover is smiling so it welcomes the reader in.

Contents Page


My contents page has only used a selection of colours; blue, pink, black, white and orange. I found that this worked best whilst researching.  I not only used images of people, but also of objects because at 9-14 years, girls are very materialistic so are also looking for things they can get. The images give an insight to the stories and context of the magazine, if there is something that catches their eye, they can go straight to the page number. I used pages from other magazines to get the general idea of the stories and things my audience are interested in. I changed some story names to fit the concept of my magazine. I noticed many magazines have a subscription at the bottom of their contents page and also give away free gifts, I put them both together so my audience would subscribe if they saw the gift that they could get, for free!

Double Page Spread

My double page spread follows in the footsteps of others by using only a main colour (purple) plus black and white. I used a quote and main image of the interviewee also images of her private life on the side to illustrate the interview. I have based the interview on the singer's new single which has been advertised at the bottom for people who are interested because the interview is for her to gain more fans and to have more publicity. I have shown a variety of shots in this spread, a head shot, a full body shot and a 4 person shot. I included a variety of mise en scenes too because if I had only chosen one, it would have been boring and not have shown her full life. 

Wednesday 31 March 2010

Fonts Used

I downloaded these fonts from The first font is called Bambino, I like this because it's young and smooth. The next one is called Fanzine, I like this because it's cool and choppy and looks home made. The last font is called Fast Action, i like this because it looks like it's been hand written with a marker.
I did a survey asking 10 9-14 year olds which font they preferred if they were to be attracted to a music magazine. My results showed:
Bambino - 6
Fanzine - 3
Fast Action - 1
I will go with Bambino.

Tuesday 30 March 2010


I made these drafts on paint based on other magazines and my produced images from the photo shoot. The colours used on the draft are the main colours that I want to use on the finished project but others too which aren't on here. The font size is roughly what I want to use on my product but the font is different to what I want because I need to find a font that I like from font websites. I will use this draft as a rough outline to how I will set out my pages.

Preliminary task


I have been getting all my fonts from because they have a wide range, they're free and you can experiment on the site to see if the words will look good.
On my front cover I aim to be using a font that resembles 'bubbles' for the title however I don't want to use this font anywhere else apart from when the magazine is being names on another page. I wanted to use similar font for headlines on the cover page too.
With the contents page, I want headings for each section of the magazine in size 14-16 font and messy because it is the only place I can get away with a hard to read font. I want the page names and number to be a size 12-14 and black so that it's easy to read.
The double page spread has to have a cool fun look for the title. Georgia B is somebody who's target audience are young girls and she is seen to be quirky so the font used should be quirky and fun. The font for the whole interview must be black and size 12 as that is the normal size of writing in most magazines for my age group that I am targeting. I had two choices for what font I wanted as the interviewer, either bold or coloured. I decided a colour (purple as that's the colour scheme) would be more effective as well as being bold.

Images used on Double Page Spread (Interview)

I used this image as the main image on my double page spread. I found that on the interview pages, they had one posed image as the main image and then separate images around the page. I have her against a plain background so that she is what is being focused on. I cropped the image on the sides because there was extra space that was not needed. I changed the saturation of her skin so that she looked like she had a natural glow and lightened up the image as a whole. She is wearing a purple sparkly dress as that is what young females would wear to disco's or party', and the purple fits in with the colour scheme of the pages showing that this double page spread has been specially made for her.

I didn't modify this image. I used it on the side which she talks about in the interview. It is her reading to orphans portraying her as a caring role model. She isn't dressed up, she is in casual clothes showing she is down to Earth. I made sure that the image didn't look posed so that it didn't look like she was doing this for the publicity.

 This image hasn't been modified either and is explained in the interview. I gave the model a costume that would show her getting ready so put her in sporty clothes. Her target audience are young girls so I put her in fun vibrant colours which is more eye catching and shows that she is a fun person. Her pose is stretching which gives the impression that she is about to go running.

This image hasn't been modified either. The interview explains that her boyfriend bought her a Porsche so she is photographed getting into it showing that she is very proud of her present and uses it. Her costume is smart to show that she is going somewhere important and this is the mature, smart side to her although still with a statement (the red in her hair). This shows she is not a child so can be looked up to and what you can achieve at her age.