Tuesday 30 March 2010

Images used on Double Page Spread (Interview)

I used this image as the main image on my double page spread. I found that on the interview pages, they had one posed image as the main image and then separate images around the page. I have her against a plain background so that she is what is being focused on. I cropped the image on the sides because there was extra space that was not needed. I changed the saturation of her skin so that she looked like she had a natural glow and lightened up the image as a whole. She is wearing a purple sparkly dress as that is what young females would wear to disco's or party', and the purple fits in with the colour scheme of the pages showing that this double page spread has been specially made for her.

I didn't modify this image. I used it on the side which she talks about in the interview. It is her reading to orphans portraying her as a caring role model. She isn't dressed up, she is in casual clothes showing she is down to Earth. I made sure that the image didn't look posed so that it didn't look like she was doing this for the publicity.

 This image hasn't been modified either and is explained in the interview. I gave the model a costume that would show her getting ready so put her in sporty clothes. Her target audience are young girls so I put her in fun vibrant colours which is more eye catching and shows that she is a fun person. Her pose is stretching which gives the impression that she is about to go running.

This image hasn't been modified either. The interview explains that her boyfriend bought her a Porsche so she is photographed getting into it showing that she is very proud of her present and uses it. Her costume is smart to show that she is going somewhere important and this is the mature, smart side to her although still with a statement (the red in her hair). This shows she is not a child so can be looked up to and what you can achieve at her age.

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