Wednesday 17 March 2010


I took my images but they weren't as expected. I had to cancel the date for images because the model couldn't make it. I finally did the shoot on a few days later. I decided against doing a Valentines special because I didn't have the props for it. Instead, I did a shoot with lots of different costumes so I could decide what I wanted for the front cover and double page spread. 

For the front cover, the model wore a black and white dress that is very innocent and young. She isn't coated in make up but just lightly bronzed with a bit of lip gloss and eye make up, the stuff young people wear to party's and disco's.

I took lots of different images with different costumes and mise en scene. When I was taking the images, I thought of the story I could put with it. 
- Sporty look (Run for charity)
- Smart getting into a Porsche (she has a taste for expensive cars)
- Walking looking smart (Out from a party)
- Her reading to children (For charity)

I think the images were a success and I have chosen the image I want to use for my front cover and double page spread.

1 comment:

  1. Please post up some images here and explain which images you intend to use for your front cover and/or double page spread.
