Tuesday 30 March 2010

Images used on Contents Page


I used this on my contents page because on most magazines they have a little letter from the editor with an image of themselves. I only wanted a picture of my head. It was slanted so I rotated it and cut it so that it fit in nicely with the paragraph and the rest of the contents page.

I took a picture of some shoes for the fashion pages. It gives a sneak preview to what is inside the magazine. They are set in a way they would be in a shop window because they show good aspects of the shoes. I used the magnetic lasso tool to select the shoes and then delete the background.

My friend had a special edition Diet Coke bottle which I thought would attract a young female. I asked 10 9-14 year old females at my school if they would like one of these bottles. 9 out of 10 said yes claiming the item was ‘cool’ and ‘cute’. I put it in the magazine to attract the audience to want to subscribe to get the free gift. I used the magnetic lasso tool around it and then deleted the background.

This image hasn't been edited. I looked at posters in the other magazines and they usually had a male(s) with an instrument. I used Toby and I think the image looks fresh with the background tree's and blue sky. All I did was make a hole by shaping a circle and then deleting the inside to put a page number in.

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