Tuesday 30 March 2010

Images used on Front Cover

                                  Before                                               After

I used this image for my front cover because she is wearing a checked dress that is very youthful and innocent. I didn’t edit the picture too much. It was easy to erase the background because I took the image against a background with different colours to her skin and the clothes she’s wearing.
I went to image – adjustments – replace colour to make her hair redder and to make her lips brighter. I cut the image so that it was just a headshot and made the image bigger.

                           Before                                                   After

I didn’t edit this image much apart from taking the background away by using the magnetic lasso tool and deleting the background. I put the image on a box of colour. I took this image when this person was doing a show. I used a full length good looking bass player to have a vary of image shots. I also did a darker contrast.

                            Before                                               After

I took this image whilst on holiday of my brother and his friends. I did a close up and stretched their faced. I wanted them to look very different to each other but look like they’re friends because they all understand what it’s like to be a celebrity’s brother so they lead similar lives. They are smiling instead of pouting or posing because I want them to seem down to earth so that the readers are attracted to the front cover wondering who they are. I edited this by using the Magnetic Lasso tool to go around their faces (which I cropped) and then deleting the background.

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